Teaching materials


To this day, Greko completely lacks a language documentation project. For this reason, one of the most precious outputs of COLING for the Calabrian Greek community is the approximately 1100 minutes of audio and video material, recorded thanks to the participation of older and younger speakers, over a period of 6 years (2018-2023). Even more so, considering that out of 18 older speakers interviewed, five passed away. 

The interviews revolve around several topics, such as anecdotes, local traditions, personal stories, and free speech production. Thus, they have a priceless value not only as documentation of the language per se but also of its culture and as a witness of the status quo of the community at present and of the profound relation between older speakers and younger new speakers. All audio and video recordings were made in collaboration with local members. They will be stored at the Language Museum in Bova, where a community archive is being constructed. Furthermore, a copy of the recordings was given to all participants and their family members. 

Here are some examples: 


In case you are interested in receiving the material for research purposes please write to: toddomadigreko@gmail.com