Teaching materials

Textbook “Iche enan viaggio…”

Iche enan viaggio…: A textbook for intermediate and advanced level study. The book comprises oral texts both in prose and in verses selected from the anthology “Testi Neogreci di Calabria”. It aims to help students familiarize themselves with the most complex morphosyntactic structures of Calabrian Greek through a communicative approach–with the use of cloze tests and question-based exercises to manipulate the language, e.g. asking opinions, creation of neologisms, etc. From the perspective of language revitalization, the book has been conceived for the new community of Calabrian Greek speakers who will be able to get acquainted with traditional stories, songs, and sayings on the one side and improve language competence on the other. Furthermore, half of the texts are transcribed using a new standardized Latin orthography proposed by 3 group members. In contrast, the other half is transcribed using a standardized Greek orthography (proposed by the same group), thus favoring training in both alphabets. 

Authors: Francesco Malafarina, Freedom Pentimalli, Giovanni Lorenzo Vacca

Iche enan viaggio