Archives: Success stories

Fieldworking in Aglona

Musical video narration about a fieldwork for collecting data of Latgalian speech for the Latgalian language corpus. The video reports on the collaborative mission conducted during the summer of 2021 by the COLING project team and the team of...


Polish traditions in Texas

Among the Polish community in Texas and its supporters, events related to Polish traditions are becoming more and more popular. Here you can watch short reports from the annual Christmas carol singing and harvest festival at Chappell Hill. Harvest...


GAL Area Grecanica

The GAL (Local Action Group) Area Grecanica is an consortium established in 1997. The GAL Area Grecanica works within its own territory to build opportunities for sharing a common vision of development for institutions, citizens and businesses, and jointly...


Gerhard Rohlfs Museum of the Calabrian Greek

The museum was established in 2016 and it is dedicated to the German linguist, Gerhard Rohlfs, known for his influential work on Greek, proving that the Grecanico origins from Magna Graecia. The museum displays a collection of artefacts related...


Latgalīšu kulturys goda bolva “Boņuks”

Ik gadu februāra beigās Latgalīšu kulturys goda bolvys “Boņuks” ceremonijā godina un apbalvo iepriekšējā gada aktivitātes, personības, notikumi un darbi, bez kuriem nebūtu iedomājama latgaliskā kultūra. Balvas saņēmēju noskaidrošanai ik gadu tiek izsludināta pretendentu pieteikšana. To darīt ir aicināti...


Olimpiāde un skatuves runas konkurss latgaliski

Šobrīd tikai dažās Latgales skolās bērniem un jauniešiem ir iespēja apgūt latgaliešu rakstu valodu un dziļāk izzināt Latgales novada vēsturi un kultūru. Tas notiek, pateicoties skolotāju iniciatīvai un patriotismam. Neskatoties uz to, jau kopš 2000. gada tiek organizēta latgaliešu...


Tymoteusz Król

Tymoteusz Król started documenting his grandparents generation’s language when he was only 11 years old. This language is Wilamowicean, one of the smallest minority languages of Poland. Above you can see a short video in which Tymoteusz (an adult...


Polska Kapela in Texas

Polish music marks its lively presence among Texan Polonia. In this section, we present recordings of the traditional Polish songs, predominantly from Wielkopolska region. The songs were performed by Polska Kapela z Teksasu: Po Staremu. The band members are:...


Latgales kongresa diena – latgaliskās pašapziņas celšanai

Kopš 2019. gada 27. aprīļa Latvijā atzīmē Latgales kongresa dienu. Tā atgādina par 1917. gada aprīlī Latgales kongresā pieņemtajiem zīmīgajiem lēmumiem, kas veido pamatu Latvijas valstij un Latvijas Satversmei. 2018. gadā Latvijas Saeima veica grozījumus likumā “Par svētku, atceres...


Land of Free People – Polish Heritage in Texas

In Texas, USA there is the oldest Polish settlement in the United States: Panna Maria. There are also two other locations in the neighborhood, whose inhabitants declare being Polish descendants. Some of them speak Polish, using e.g. 19th-century Greater...
